Lake Cycling

Lake Cycling Blog

It’s Time to Tri
- images from Tri-Ciclo Colombia  Capturing the growth in Tri & Duathlon Triathlon isn’t just an event... and, before you answer – it's not just 3 events either! No, triathlon is a whole lifestyle, because the people who participate in...
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Meet the Team - Satoshi Nakagawa
Lake Distributor, Japan Introduction Cycling is popular in Japan, but... as a country with very little cycling infrastructure, it could be more so. However, thanks to people like Satoshi, our Lake distribution partner, it’s growing all the time, in the...
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Because the trail never ends
Here at Lake, we design and make cycling shoes for just about all types of riding. Yes, we’re really famous for our fit and comfort, and within the road cycling community, we’re particularly super popular globally. Did you know however,...
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Meet the Team - Bike Academy, Berlin
Finding the fit for cyclists, with fun built in Thomas Pollesche has a keen eye for detail. It’s obvious when you speak with him and he’s alive with a vibrancy that interests you. When he talks about cycling and his...
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The Wide Toed Cyclist
It’s more common than you may think - yes, many cyclists have wide feet, especially at the toe box. Why then, might you ask, do so many cycling shoe brands sell narrow shoes? That’s a very reasonable question; especially for...
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