Cycling life in autumn & winter

Cycling life in autumn & winter

Finding motivation for cycling in autumn 

As many cyclists look out across the European mountains this morning, they’ll be met be huge falls of snow – lots if it far earlier than is normal. It’s probably another sign that we all need to do more to help our planet to get back to good health. Yes, snow has bounced ahead of autumn in the Alps, and even in the lower lands, the weather is changing; albeit not to such extremes. Long sleeved cycling jerseys have replaced short sleeves, and it’s time to fit those mudguards and to prepare the bike for winter.

Sharing is caring in cycling

What about the cyclist though? How do they prepare for autumn and winter, and how do they continue to motivate themselves to get out riding – especially if the roads are wet and the air is damp? Yes, this changing of the seasons, from summer into autumn is difficult in terms of maintaining positivity and motivation in cycling, which is why we wanted to explore and to share a few of our own ideas with you. After all, we don’t just design and create what many people regard as probably some of the most comfortable, high-performance cycling shoes available – we’re cyclists too. Yes, from the Netherlands to the USA, the Far East, the Middle East and even tucked away in the Yorkshire Dales and along the winding country lanes of Essex in the U.K., we also ride bikes, and we get those same ‘end-of-summer’ feelings.

Lake winter-ready cycling footwear

The first thing to know is that thankfully, here at Lake we also design a great selection of both road cycling and off-road cycling shoes for this season. Cycling shoes that will keep your hard-working feet warm and dry. Better still, like all of the shoes across the vast Lake Cycling Shoes range, we use the same ‘Lasts’, which in effect means that if your sleek and stylish Lake CX177 or MX177 fits your feet like a second skin, then our winter ready CX146 Cycling Boot will also fit your feet with that same level of legendary Lake cycling shoe comfort; and, for those venturing off-road and in more extreme conditions, we’ve also got the Lake MXZ304 Cycling Boot. Designed and created on our Lake winter ‘last’, it comes with a much wider & taller toe box than our traditional ‘lasts’. The Lake Winter ‘last’ allows the foot to maintain proper circulation even when thicker socks are worn. Our winter cycling shoe ‘last’ carries over 40 years of innovation and excellence and is the standard for winter cycling footwear.

Staying positive in autumn & winter

However, we also understand that, even when your feet are wrapped in cycling shoe excellence from Lake, motivating yourself to cycle in autumn and winter can be an issue – so, here’s a few tips to help you on your way.

First of all, make sure that you’ve got the right kit for autumn and winter. That means having a good selection of jerseys and jackets, so that you can change according to the outside temperature and not be too hot or too cold. Autumn cycling or mid-season cycling jerseys are different from full-on winter jackets, so have a choice of these. Clothing includes good gloves too, and cycling overshoes for your Lake cycling shoes. Choose a good brand, that’s as well made as your Lake shoes are!  Having a neck warmer and a skull cap in winter is also a good choice, because when you’re warm on the inside, you’ll be smiling on the outside 😊.

Knowing where to ride in autumn and winter is also useful. You don’t want to just be pacing out the miles. Try to choose your favourite rides, and include something special along the way – a great cycling café for coffee and cake with friends, or a spectacular view, such as the changing colours of the autumn leaves on a forest ride. For off-road rides, likewise, try and have a café at the start and finish. It’s a wonderful feeling after a hard ride into the hills, to simply escape into the warmth of a café and enjoy a hot chocolate drink! Choose off-road trails that have good drainage too; rocky and gravelly trails that are good to ride in all weathers – and, let people know where you’ll be riding and when to expect you’ll be back.

Daytime cycling lights are always a good idea, and especially in autumn and winter. If cars and other road users can see you, they’ll give you a wide berth, and you won’t get splashed as often on wet roads.

Autumn colours & special rides

Thee colours of autumn can be truly beautiful when you’re cycling along at a relaxed pace, wrapped up warmly in good quality cycling gear, and wearing the right autumn cycling footwear from Kale… of course! Choosing those special cycling routes and fixing a weekly ‘special’ ride with friends, is a great motivator and way to keep in touch with friends as the days get colder.  - and, if all else fails, indoor cycling is always an option. This way, everything is on hand for you, and you don’t even need those extra layers of mid-season cycling clothing! Whatever your choice of cycling this autumn and winter, make sure that your feet are looked after and wrapped in cycling shoe excellence – and let the team here at Lake help you to keep riding with smiles.

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