Taking the bike to the rider

Talking with Julian Wall, from Cycle Fit U.K.
In the cycling world, we frequently talk about legends and those special people who change the direction of our sport. It’s not simply about the riders though – whilst accepting that they’re obviously important. No, it’s often those people quietly operating in the shadows, away from the limelight and yet whose impact is so profound that is causes the ground to shake. Julian Wall is one such person; although this quietly spoken cyclist and bike fitting guru would probably say that he’s just doing a job that he loves. The thing is though, that not only has Julian been doing it for a long time; analysing the actual needs of cyclists and treating each one as an individual with their own specific needs. He’s also gained a well-deserved reputation for being one of the best bike fitters in the world. Working alongside his colleague, Phil Cavell and their large team of experts, now operating across the cycling physiology and health fields, at their Cycle Fit Studio close to Covent Garden in London, they’ve become a global centre of excellence.
In many respects, Julian and Phil have helped to define what bike fitting is and which direction is should continue to evolve into. For them, at a very early stage in their transition from riders it was about looking at current thinking and how it actually interacted with the cyclists’ body, then questioning how fitting was being carried out, by examining how the body worked and how it needed to work on the bike, in order to make the rider comfortable and to maximise performance. Ultimately, as Julian mentioned during my chat with him, if the rider is comfortable and at one with the bike, then their body is free to deliver uninterrupted performance. It’s this thinking - the simple ethos of taking the bike to the rider - rather than the rider to the bike and squeezing them onto it, that began the change in bike fitting - and it’s why many of the world’s top teams come to Julian and Phil for advice and to utilise their expertise in delivering bike fitting to many world tour riders and teams.

On the road to cycling comfort
The bike fitting journey started for Julian after some time selling bikes at their retail shop. Back in those days, as Julian tells me; the philosophy was based on Bernard Hinault’s premise that saddle height was the key. However, Julian looked at how the few fittings that were carried out took place and saw that there was little if any analysis of the actual rider. He believed that you needed to see the rider interacting with a bike, to examine them and their unique physiology, and to closely analyse their position and actions across a range of areas. Early fittings by companies coming onto the scene gave a rider position based solely on a range of motion and flexibility; and whilst this was a start, it still left huge gaps, meaning that there was significant room for those all-important gains – there remained the possibility of a perfect balance between comfort and performance - and the seed was sown.
They promptly locked the doors and frosted out the windows on the premises where Trek bikes and other brands were sold, as they set about creating a new way of analysing cyclists – bringing the bike to the rider, and doing so in small stages by examining each contact point, each area of movement, and all areas of the body, before deciding how all of this needed to operate in unison and what the bike needed to function in order to support these individual needs. It was revolutionary and people started to take notice. They rode the crest of the wave from 2007 onwards, as U.K. cyclists took the world by storm. Importantly, as Julian tells me: “It’s about getting to know and caring about each client, communicating with them all the time. That’s what makes the difference.” It set the tone for their approach - one that has subsequently been followed by many bike fitters all around the cycling world.

Developing the Cycle Fit Studio
Yes, in deciding to take a new approach to bike fitting, Julian and Phil and their infant Cycle Fit studio, began to set a new standard for bike fitting, and one that is now revered and followed across the cycling world. To date, they have the data from over 20k bike fits on their server. This data and its regular analysis allow Julian and the team at Cycle Fit to stay ahead of the curve, which is why their studio now includes access to physios and other health care professionals, all concerned with giving every cyclist a bike fit that helps to create the perfect bike for every rider. Key to this, as Julian says, is that “you need to listen and communicate.” However, whilst they do have a wealth of data to help them, it’s that personal approach that is the key – treating each rider as unique. Fundamentally, Cycle Fit sells bikes by Trek and others – but more importantly, they also fit a bike specifically to you, and it’s a better solution for rider’s needs, as they can manage the process from fitting to collection, to first service and follow-up, ensuring that you leave Cycle Fit knowing that you and your bike are going to ride in perfect harmony.
As Julian says during our conversation, “you need to fit to the person, to their individual riding and their cycling aspirations; to talk to them, watch them and analyse them and how their very unique body interacts with a bike.” Only then can you build a bike around the rider and wrap their feet in cycling shoes that actually fit them and guarantee a comfortable ride, all day long. In effect too, our riding position and bike needs change as we get older, and as we are forced to embrace health changes throughout our lives. A bike fit isn’t a lifetime solution; it resolves the issues for you at a particular time along that journey called life.

Starting feet first
However, every bike fitting starts at the same point, by trying to establish that initial position and work on that, before moving the contact points, tuning the bike from the feet first and working upwards. Listening to Julian is truly fascinating, as he makes it all so very clear: stabilise the feet with footbeds, the correct shoes – allowing 2mm either side of the edges, then working upwards to the saddle, the handlebars, the crank lengths and crank positioning (spacers if required) - and doing all of this in stages, where a detailed focus is taken at every point.
Getting it wrong, especially in terms of cycling shoes, can lead to cycling shoes that have a bathtub fit causing pressure on the inside, whilst shoes that are too narrow will affect the nerves in the forefoot and the toes. Unfortunately, as Julian tells me, people are always – in their ignorance – looking for stability from a tight fit; whilst in reality, the tight fit will be causing problems, and the foot may not be in the right place for effective pedalling – and more importantly, for health reasons, which can arise from a poorly fitted bike and cycling shoes.

Lake Cycling Shoes & Cycle Fit
We’re proud to have Julian and the Cycle Fit team as a valued member of the Lake family for many years – over 20 years now. Ultimately, we share the same ethos, and it’s Julian and Phil’s personal philosophy for bike fitting: “Every rider should be comfortable, efficient and riding in a way that prevents injury. Ultimately, no cyclist should put up with pain, and comfort can be achieved if the bike is built around their own individual needs.”
At the Cycle Fit studio, it’s our Lake CX238 road shoe which leads the way with most riders. It embraces the wider foot and the slightly curved foot shape. The CX333 has also become popular with the performance orientated cyclists, looking for that race fit. It’s based on our Race list and has a slightly narrower toe box & tighter heel than the Competition last and less overall volume than the Sport last. Ironically, Julian tells me that 99% of cyclists attending Cycle Fit for the first time, have not has their feet measured for many years and don’t know the size of their own feet. At the higher end of cycling, it’s easier working with the pro riders at World Tour level, as they have more of an awareness, combined with a ‘can do’ attitude and a willingness to ride in all circumstances. Having spent time embedded within teams such as Trek, working closely with legends such as Fabian Cancellara and Andy Schleck, Julian knows how bike fitting and cycle shoes can make a difference – to everyone, at all levels.
They still sell Trek bikes from the Cycle Fit studio and have a great relationship with the brand. It’s helped them to become one of the most respected bike fitting studios anywhere. They've also used their own wealth of data from 20k+ cyclists to create their own bespoke Landrace bike frames. These high-performance, high-comfort titanium bikes are hand made for one purpose: Because Julian and Phil know that nothing is more important for a rider's lifelong enjoyment of their bike and riding. Whether you’re looking for a race ready bike or an adventure seeking set of wheels, Cycle Fit will create a Landrace bike around you that will last a lifetime – like our Lake cycling shoes 😉.

A theory based on comfort and bringing smiles to cyclists
The influence that Julian and Phil have achieved across the globe, taking their bike fitting philosophy to others, is testament to 22+ years of learning and development, alongside the innovation and excellence of this bike fitting studio, quietly tucked away in Covent Garden, London, creating meaningful ripples across the cycle sport world.
Julian still lives near Romney Marsh, close to London, where he rides along the quiet lanes, with his vista filled with sea views as he heads towards Rye on his bike. He’s a cyclist who likes to stop and pause and to take it all in – in the same way that carries out every bike fit – pausing and looking at the world, rather than rushing. Ultimately, isn’t that what cycling should be all about – creating our own adventures, and riding with comfort and performance in perfect harmony. Whether you ride for leisure or for sport, or simply to stay healthy; why not click the link here and visit the Cycle Fit studio website and see how Julian and Phil and the team can help you on your own cycling journey.
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